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Please Love My Computer Game Portable


Updated: Mar 31, 2020

About This Game You finally left home on August 9th, 2017. You hated that place, you hated how it made you feel... And yet you closed yourself off in that unfortunate abode. Leaving was the only rational choice, but maybe it wasn't the best one. Even once you leave, scars don't simply disappear. They say time heals all wounds, but the extent of how much that can heal may be limited. Especially when it keeps being picked and torn at, when you're expected to do something, something you hate. But it lingers over you, tortures you. I hope you love this game, I mean that sincerely. Would you please love this computer game? In the game you explore a black and white house; you can just wander, and indeed may wander for some time without really knowing what to do. But I promise you that there is depth and hidden layers here. Sometimes we want to be loved, but not want to be seen. But how can one expect to truly be loved if one also won't share oneself? Loving anything else but the true person is like loving an apparition, it's just an image of a being rather than the being themselves. It's a sort of cryptic house exploration game about discovery, road blocks, atmosphere, love, and creation. There are things to interact with, non-linear progression, and various tough obstacles. The game may close at times, but that's not the end. It's all pretty ambiguous and not really made to be played with a single person trying to figure out what to do, more with a group or a community. I give this heed as there's a very high chance you make get stuck in a rut without much of a clue how to get further. This is natural, the game is quite cryptic and there's layers of discovery of how to make progress. To understand the depths of love is to understand the depths of being. This game includes puzzles and atmospheric elements. In many ways it's a game that can be solved, but doesn't want to be. You could consider that a puzzle game, but it's not really about the puzzles. They're more like a defense mechanism, a shell to break through. It only takes one person to change one's life, but for better insight we often need a viewpoint outside the ourselves that two people create. I doubt any one person will be able to beat this game alone, it might take some conjuncture and cooperation. But that maybe shouldn't be surprising... How can one truly understand love if one doesn't let others in? Different people and experiences help us understand different things, and it's in that fragile act of sharing that we can open ourselves to new discoveries. The game is cryptic and creepy, but can you still love it? Can you explore the depths and still see its good qualities? Can you even find the depths? I guess in a word this game is about discovery. If you like to discover things, then you may like this game. There's a lot to discover, and a lot of it isn't obvious. But despite not being easy or simple, I hope you will still come to love this computer game. Through all of it's roughness and unfriendly design, you can love the tender core. For if you can love it, then maybe.... 7aa9394dea Title: Please Love My Computer GameGenre: Adventure, Free to Play, IndieDeveloper:Yai GameworksPublisher:Yai GameworksFranchise:Close MeRelease Date: 19 Feb, 2018 Please Love My Computer Game Portable PHASE 2 - T-Minus 20 Hours: 54 words were found. Phase 2 begins in T-Minus 20 hours.Congratulations, I hope it was worth it.. Here's Yai Gameworks Release Plans for the next 4 Months (July - November 2018): I have been working so hard to be able to pull this off, but finally I think I can fully announce the line-up of games that Yai Gameworks will be releasing between the end of July and the end of November 2018. I have been working really hard since the year began, juggling a lot of projects, and there's still more to finish and juggle after this, but finally far enough along to announce this properly. Here's what Yai Gameworks will be releasing over the next few months:---"Found Horror Game 11.exe" will be releasing between July 27th to August 6th for $3.99 USD. Follow the story of Ina, a gas station attendant, in an episodic horror game where the community must work a bit together to unlock the next sequence of the game.---"PeeTee Babybuu" will release between August 27th and September 4th for $2.99 USD (with the Soundtrack and Art collection available for an additional $1.99 via DLC). ---"Red Haze" will have it's big content update between September 28th to October 12th as a free update to the game (but shortly the price of Red Haze will go up to $2.99 USD).The Store Page is not live yet, but at this time there will also release a new spin-off Red Haze game known as, "Dusk Golem's Red Haze of Horror 3D", which will cost $2.99 USD as well, though those that posted in the Red Haze Steam topic before this announcement was posted and followed the instructions will get a key for the game early.---There is not a Steam Page for it yet, but between September to October Rincs and I will be releasing a short horror game we both made involving a bag store. More details to come, this one is working on a strict time table and will be releasing not too long after the store page goes up.---There is no Store Page yet, but in releasing on October 30th, 2018 for free will be "Horror Game Anthology", a horror game anthology with short horror games made by different indie horror game developers. I'm holding and compiling the anthology, and it won't be releasing under Yai Gameworks collection due to being an effort of several indie horror game devs I just so happen to be hosting, but I will post the Store Page when that goes live.--- November 26th - December 3rd, we'll be releasing in, Early Access "Close Your Eyes -Anniversary Remake-" for $4.99 USD. The Early Access Remake on release will include the full remake for Close Your Eyes, the full remake for Girl's Graveyard, it will include Close Your Eyes: The Twisted Puzzle, and it will include a new scenario known as, "Close Your Eyes: Hushed Hour". The remakes include a lot of new content and various scenes upgraded to be better than ever.---Beyond that is an enigma for now. As long as I don't have serious health or livelihood issues or anything of the like, this WILL be concrete. I had chosen from past mishaps and bad judgement to hold off revealing these dates until they were near certain, other projects are not certain right now so will see them down the line. I hope you guys enjoy the sorta' rapid 1-month apart releases I'll be doing over the next few months!. Please Love My Computer Game - Last Steam Key gibeaway AND Now Available Off-Site: game is available now on other sites for free if you want to play it from there:GameJolt: Net: Steam release will come soon but first needs to get through Steam's review process. Hopefully it will release soon though.If you want to play on Steam though, here's your last chance here for some Steam Keys. The game is free so this is just for early access on the Steam version. This is also the last giveaway of keys I'll do.Feel free to stream it, post any videos, etc. I'd even appreciate them and posting if you've posted a video/doing a stream in this news piece comment section so I can keep up.But without further ado, here you guys go: XVBVF-X9G02-GLBD49GKPJ-DBZK7-9CC8ILVBA6-B0HBM-APV7FCQ7Q6-XN49P-B6LN7VMXPC-XX5JI-WVKFTHIPIK-Y25N2-MVRRNK2IKR-9BE6V-NM58EG80XF-WPNNH-2VRQ4BR5ZL-4X34J-D4C6CD5F3H-4FNLW-8A40AY89X0-RPFDC-N94J6G3BYJ-RGRLV-YTY333CZ86-WT37F-DMH6VFH8B7-JQ5XQ-M454R6T6H7-5HTXV-RP48500G7N-JFJ86-HV6G8XCG9A-X8JEL-KQFLAQA63V-PGP0A-W3YVIIQ894-WDE9B-RBZ94PJT5B-8FJ2G-5L7TLH3NMG-VEC4F-GJB3ZJZDBZ-8B4MM-L7DHJMM7XJ-NZ9KE-TCVBFBG9J0-LNVE7-4VFVFZLBQV-WZKBR-WEZZGWF8DH-4KP9P-R4AE7KJVXH-94A3J-7H7MPHPI7J-WDR72-70YWPKNVNN-HZ4EH-8JYB5G9VII-IM0D7-JT8IA82PQF-3L646-W47TRHDHJR-2DFT6-HB7YJMAARX-T4D5J-8RA5N3HPGN-C359E-4YIXGKQI2V-XYC2K-KIDJXDVIN0-GY83F-DXM269TJ33-4YGIL-I3FHL4R9KX-PFMXL-R4ZT6YG9A0-J4K92-GL38VJB3ZP-M6JPK-XHYV6FJENR-8LTYH-YIT8FZE42C-Y52QY-V0I3HDNZQ0-QXJZF-HRFTAPPAKJ-7TF7K-84PKFXK7CN-HLXMK-BJJKYIIPYA-0VD0F-Y46HTBVNXR-F9W70-MYHBWPJA72-F9MCX-85XXL840BZ-ICY79-6VP40E2YNX-0VKPR-8KF2VIE8N5-7MJCB-3CF4K3Z7B2-43ANG-VL94QBL2RC-Y5HRX-DGMQGAJ8LB-2CM9Z-IGTK3KM48C-5PGBZ-RCRICFEK4B-EE8FR-ZA5DHJGW20-WG6KY-VWY0A4EZZM-026D5-8GKMPR2IZQ-9X6B6-72YPAMFJ2A-C7ANY-FDHCZQDYBN-A38J7-3GWGG6H5AT-RIB6G-9G26M7TW6Q-RC82I-2CCI86ZGB5-569PI-HYA65HVZB6-8572K-8DHQZLP3EE-GEPTF-TDVJWLA44B-BMPKT-8CI73V35I7-6ZY78-F9M7JFVQJY-WBP0F-PRETHMBJ82-MLCF2-Q4J55X0EHV-7THJM-4B0K09AMCC-506HB-8GQ397KQ4L-RWD3X-KMBTGQ8FB0-NV26V-IRWG84F6MD-4GK5Q-EGDZZEW7ZM-84PWH-P3A3EWLDWF-CF5HE-BHLGBY2XJI-Y2QIB-0YTAQDLEYW-BBRQG-HYTXPWZYCT-8XHZ4-ANXNHMZ92K-WDL7T-24VBHBT8TJ-RYNYF-8AAEDFQZV7-NCDXP-K5PKELWKJR-Q257W-585KNXW44V-BTANQ-MJCPLTQTI0-B674X-WF7N0VF66X-LRYHC-8F6QEBQA8Z-KG00Y-FPWYMF9ERC-MNCQ0-IXXLCHIP5Q-4NVA0-FZ6WQCDWZ0-MPR86-5WYWIYMNI2-5Y59C-3QLAJNDVVW-9DJFB-0GZNJATNB2-AKJXT-X8GF9I3GT4-57Q7I-ZZ04V5PX7T-2JQC4-CPTDB8VNTZ-0N9ER-JN6R05BP3C-J2LY9-C7EGBGQMXX-0HDG7-55NYJC7Z4E-PK9YB-08RT3. Yai Gameworks Developer Page ; Summer Sale Deals: Yai Gameworks Steam Developer Page is now live!You can follow the page to receive notifications when we release new games, plus is the new developer page for us on Steam so shows a lot of what we're up to actively (which frankly, is a lot. Despite delays, things are coming along nicely).Today also marks the beginning of the 2018 Steam Summer Sale! All of Yai Gameworks' catalog of games will be on sale. Most notably, Red Haze will be the cheapest price it'll be for years, once the Summer Sale is up I'm updating the price from $1.99 USD to $2.99 USD for the upcoming big content patch update, if you guys don't own Red Haze but want it now will be the best time to purchase it. Close Me, Close Me's extended New Game+ campaign & soundtrack DLC, and Close Your Eyes' Girl's Graveyard and soundtrack DLC all will be on sale as well.If you own Red Haze before July 8th, make sure to read and follow the instructions here to get a secret surprise in a month or two: hope you guys are having a wonderful summer! Will be releasing a few things within the next few months I hope to surprise you all with.. Jeff and Jayms explore the house: hope they love it.. 25 Minutes of Close Your Eyes -Anniversary Remake- Gameplay: game will be releasing in Early Access (but including the full remakes of Close Your Eyes and Girl's Graveyard on release with more game modes added over time) on August 31st, 2018 for $4.99 USD. There's many more surprises in this remake than what I show as well... Hope you guys enjoy it.. PHASE 1.5: Welcome to Hell: An update for PLMCG just released, you may have noticed. Phase 2 is now available... Through the wretches of frustrating hell! One of you has to earn Phase 2, has to complete GG. I encourage streaming, and feel free to share your channel if you're streaming this here: wish you poor souls a happy Friday the 13th, everyone~. Close Your Eyes -Anniversary Remake- OUT NOW!!: Your Eyes -Anniversary Remake- is now out in Steam Early Access for $4.99 USD with a 10% launch discount (this will be the cheapest the game will be in at the very least the next two years, the game will gradually raise in price as more is added to the game). At Early Access launch, I am actively seeking back feedback and going to work closely with the community to shape up the game. At Early Access launch, the full 'Girl's Graveyard' remake is included, with 1-2 hours of gameplay. The 'Close Your Eyes' remake first hour or so is playable, up until the Judith Manor section of the game. 'Close Your Eyes - The Twisted Puzzle' is included, unlocked after 10 achievements in-game are completed, and has a few puzzle solution changes, a few new hidden things, and should give people a varying amount of gameplay time (depending how good they are at the puzzles).I hope you guys enjoy, up until the Close Your Eyes Remake is completed, there will be fairly regular updates. You can play up to the current cut-off point and load your save file when new updates hit to continue where you left off. I look forward to communicating with everyone over the course of development, and hope you all enjoy the game!. Please Love My Computer Game MORE early keys:, you guys ate that last batch of keys quickly!A reminder, this game is a free game for anyone to download, so these keys just grant earlier access. It will be free for all later, and is releasing on GameJolt and later today.These will be the last keys I post here, but I do have some posted in other places if you dig. First come first serve, if the keys don't redeem then that means they probably already have been. Happy Valentine's Day, everybody!Feel free to post video of the game or whatever I also will mention.Please Love My Computer Game early playing keys: 9FPWE-5YWGH-P3VD84ZYQG-EZDID-M7DINHP6J5-3EFNF-030AMWZEQT-FJZXA-DXYRKJX4PD-I2L2F-2FKFLKQ9Q3-YIJA0-FW4G9CIGGD-9VYY0-MAMDREP6JF-QYDF2-3HQ5I0VTAD-CK8YB-2B6Z2ZMV23-ETJI2-2BVW2ME3QE-W9KLP-WB7J2ZA7Q9-6T2L8-8IADAG8ZW0-Q3FMM-2YI44CWDVB-KBTBE-Z77WEYZIJK-MH6NR-XMDW63ZXQ4-AGW2H-XMNQ93648D-8TWL9-KKL22MN36B-R9CVW-569NTI00MR-PAL8B-679YKQNQNL-02E5L-560FC63XB2-278VW-P83R7DA6BE-ZWDBH-D7CG9DLRFH-XW7MZ-AR75500BAL-LI342-67QPRAG6VE-99LET-JW2MQ5HIFZ-IJYXH-KA0KXEEX4I-2JDR2-5M2BXRVK9I-4BD7I-AI987X8KT6-XKGNL-2ERDGZPJIG-VR3KJ-47YF0XPPM3-YHEJV-924JNXAYZQ-6KLNE-5A8WXQ46D2-7NRT6-YP833

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